How to Find Mistress Kathleen at
a Renaissance Festival?
- First, prepare thyself well for music and merriment; dressing properly is encouraged, 'tho not necessary;
- Next, transport thyself to the realm of the proper King in the proper town
- Upon entering the realm, make haste to find the information booklet or booth, and inquire thou when and upon on which stage Mistress Kathleen shall perform;
- At said appointed time, seek thou the identified stage and enjoy then song, story, and dulcimer.
Secret of the realm: Oftimes Mistress Kathleen strolls the faire playing music in unexpected places; keep a sharp eye for her cart and dulcimer
Mistress Kathleen performs in the realm of King Henry every weekend beginning August 20 through Oct 2
**Awarded Best Musical Act of MNRF 2017**
Click on the following for:
Minnesota Renaissance Festival Website